Seminar za teoriju brojeva i algebru
PMF Matematički odsjek
29.01.2025 - 10:15 - 12:00
U srijedu 29.1.2025. s početkom u 10:15, u predavaonici br. A102,
Vjekoslav Kovač održat će predavanje pod naslovom
"Several irrationality problems for Ahmes series".
Abstract: Confirming (ir)rationality of infinite series of distinct
unit fractions is an interesting topic that culminated in the 1970s and 1980s.
As opposed to the more involved results, such as Apéry's theorem,
we will investigate how far one can get using only elementary techniques,
i.e., only the tools of undergraduate analysis and probability.
This will keep the presentation accessible and (hopefully) entertaining.
In particular, we will study one type of irrationality sequences introduced
by Erdős and Graham, address a question of Erdős on simultaneous rationality
of two (or more) “consecutive” series, and give a negative answer to an
“infinite-dimensional” conjecture by Stolarsky.
This is joint work with Terence Tao (UCLA).
Pozivaju se članovi seminara i svi zainteresirani da prisustvuju predavanju.
Voditelji seminara:
Andrej Dujella
Alan Filipin
Ivica Gusić
Borka Jadrijević
Matija Kazalicki
Filip Najman