Seminar za algebru
U utorak, 23. travnja Stefano Capparelli, Universita' La Sapienza, održat će predavanje
Level 5 representations of the affine Lie algebra A2(2)
u okviru Seminara za algebru.
Abstract: This is joint work with M.Primc and A. Meurman. We conjecture some combinatorial identities that underlie the level 5 representations of the affine Lie algebra A2(2). In the line of research pioneered by Lepowsky-Milne, Lepowsky-Wilson and Lepowsky-Primc, we study the level 5 representations in the title. A combinatorial study of this affine algebra began with some success
for level 3 and only after several years for level 4 in work of D. Nandi (Rutgers 2014). We now believe to have an answer for level 5 and, with a lot of optimism, for some more odd levels. Preliminary report.
Seminar počinje u 15:00 sati u predavaonici A101. Pozivaju se članovi Seminara i svi zainteresirani da prisustvuju ovom zanimljivom predavanju.
Veronika Pedić Tomić